Script Word Counter
Word Counter - Prepare for Voice Overs
How many words can the voice artist deliver in your hour session? Read and find out below.
Below are the typical amount of words that are voiced and edited with the average talent hour.
Use the tables below to get an idea of how many words can be voiced by the average voice talent when your purchase hour. Typical finished content is 2 to 20 minutes of final finished voiced content.
Total Voiced Minutes Based on Number of Words: (based on 150 words per minute x 20 total minutes of recorded material within the talent recording hour. the other 40-minutes is required for recuts, editing, mastering and admin time.)
2-Minutes = about 300 words voiced by the average voice talent
4-Minutes = about 600 words voiced by the average voice talent
6-Minutes = about 900 words voiced by the average voice talent
8-Minutes = about 1250 words voiced by the average voice talent
10-Minutes = about 1500 words voiced by the average voice talent
12-Minutes = about 1800 words voiced by the average voice talent
14-Minutes = about 2100 words voiced by the average voice talent
16-Minutes = about 2400 words voiced by the average voice talent
18-Minutes = about 2700 words voiced by the average voice talent
20-Minutes = about 3000 words voiced by the average voice talent
Note: These vary based on the tempo / speed of the voiced content and also by languages. Keep this in mind when you hire the talent and send the final script.
Use the tool below to count the number of words in your script. (best to do so by part or role)
Please Note: This tool does not take into consideration written stage direction, scene notes. comments and other words NOT to be voiced by the voice talent. Therefore it is recommended NOT to include any words but the actual lines or dialogue to be voiced by your talent.